New York City’s Largest Off-Leash Community
Fellowship for the Interests of Dogs & their Owners
FIDO In Prospect Park's commitment is to ensure that Prospect Park is a safe and healthy place for dogs; that responsible supervision of dogs and charitable activities focusing on Prospect Park, will enhance public respect regarding the benefits and responsibilities of dog ownership.
Upcoming Events
With dozens of dogs and people scattered from Grand Army Plaza to the 9th Street Ball fields, the Long Meadow is an amazing sight. You have got to see it to believe it!
As an advocacy group, FIDO in Prospect Park is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for off-leash activity. To this end, FIDO sponsors lectures and events as well as donating funds to the Prospect Park Alliance for new trash cans and container, Doggie Beach, dog-friendly water fountains, and even a bench and tree in memory of dogs. Above all, FIDO's aim is to make sure that Prospect Park remains a safe, healthy place for dogs as well as other park user groups.
Our leadership team bring years of experience to bear on the greatest challenge of our time. We’re results driven, with a proven record of previous successes.
FIDO has worked closely with Park officials to come up with off-leash rules. These rules remain in effect for dog owners to enjoy will depend on your continued support and cooperation.
Off-leash hours are permitted 6 am–9 am and 9 pm–1 am at the Long Meadow (except ballfields), Nethermead, Peninsula Meadow (not woodlands), and Dog Beach. Dogs must be leashed at all other times.

"We have the most lenient rules but have the strongest and most effective of the dog organizations."
— Tupper Thomas, former administrator of Prospect Park