List your service with FIDO

How To List With FIDO

While Fido In Prospect Park cannot recommend one dog service above another, we feel we should try to serve our community. In an effort to be fair to all, Brooklyn individuals and organizations who specialize in dog walking, training, day care or boarding can now help sponsor FIDO through paid listings.

A $30.00 donation will insure that your listing will remain on the FIDO website for one year, where your listing will include:
- Contact information
- Neighborhood(s) served
- Twenty words or so words of additional descriptive copy.
Please do not include your fees.

Listings will be linked from our website homepage and will be alphabetically categorized under your primary services offered:

  • Dog walking / Pet Sitting

  • Dog Care / Boarding

  • Day Spas / Grooming

  • Training

If you desire to be listed in more than one category, it costs an extra $30.

Send information/renewal plus a $30 check made out to FIDO in Prospect Park and mail to:

FIDO in Prospect Park

348 Coney Island Avenue, #10

Brooklyn, NY 11218


through our PayPal


  • There is no way for you to post your information directly.

  • E-mail your information to indicating that your check is in the mail or when you’ve paid through PayPal. This will allow us to put your information up immediately. 

  • Feel free to request changes to your listing at any time. Send us an email with with "For Web Listing" as the email subject.